Westminster at Home Featured in Latest Lynchburg Living Article

Westminster at Home is proud to have been a part of the latest issue of Lynchburg Living.
As a home health and hospice agency in Central Virginia, our goal is to provide the best care, service and expertise possible. Our staff works hard to ensure that they are providing the most accurate information to patients and their families. This not only helps with the transition to care but also allows each member of the deciding party to be well informed of the care their loved one is receiving.
Our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we hear can be found in the Nov/Dec issue of Lynchburg Living.
Some of the specific topics covered are as follows:
- What is home health and how do I get services?
- Who pays for home health services?
- Are home health agencies rated on the quality of care provided?
- What makes Westminster at Home different than other home health agencies?
Visit our FAQ page to learn more or read the full Senior Planning Guide feature in Lynchburg Living here.